Monday, September 24, 2012

maybe not

these photos are from new years, a few days after in fact. this is h. this is when i first started hanging out with him in the city of angels. he is sweet, seems innocent and is one of thee most interesting people i have ever met. i become so curious, people assume that because we are together that I have figured him out. is that some sort of goal they complete when they decide to be in a relationship? I dont understand. my goal is not to figure h out, he just intrigues me and i enjoy his company over most people i meet nowadays. sometimes we dont talk to each other as we are with each other, i think if we talked so much the mystery of each of us would disappear and maybe the interests we have in each other would leave our souls as well. our secrets, the information people gossip over are things i hate to explain to my friends. i don't want them to know the inside scoop i want everything only between me and him, that may be selfish but i feel comfortable having people compare their relationship to mine based on information i tell them. maybe this is all nonsense, nonsense it is.